Phoenix Virtual Tour - Real Estate Photography in First Mesa

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Professional Real Estate Property Photography Vs. DIY Real Estate Photography – Benefits And Drawbacks

Building a real-estate listing isn’t as basic as one thinks. There are numerous details to consider and one of those would have to be the photos. How is definitely the property will be given to the masses? What will the photos appear to be? Many of these factors be involved inside the overall impact of your listing. Here’s an assessment between professional and DIY real estate property photography.

Professional Real Estate Property Photography

Generally, this identifies an experienced property photographer to arrive and offering an all-encompassing package for your property. They may take each of the photos, come up with the ultimate edits, and make a simple variety of photos as asked to.


1) Specialized Equipment

It begins with their access to specialized equipment whether this includes stabilizers, lenses, or a variety of high-grade cameras. This can be their business and they can be sure to purchase several of the world’s finest equipment before arriving in. This high-grade equipment is going to help the home look one hundred times better due to the quality for each photo. This is probably the major advantages of heading down this path.

2) Numerous years of Relevant Expertise

An experienced photographer could have several years of experience in helping real-estate clients with their properties. This experience is important since they realize how to set a timeline and how to take photos appropriately. They’re not likely to spend time nor are they planning to turn out taking unprofessional photos. Sometimes, it’s these little details that greatly assist in setting the right tone to your listing! By choosing a specialized professional, you’re gonna be on the right track to some well-regarded variety of photos.

3) Comprehensive Editing

The very last advantage is the quantity of editing that is done on each photo. They’re not going to “click and shoot” because that’s not where they’re quality stands out. Yes, depth and perception matter but it’s the editing that creates things pop. Anyone that wants a very high-grade solution knows it needs to come at the hands of an experienced. They are going to hold the editing skills and software to complete the job.


1) Costly

The disadvantage of professional companies is the cost. You’re going to have to a pay a fee with regard to their service. If you’re running over a low budget, this is usually a problem as well as something you have to consider once you get the chance.

DIY Real Estate Property Photography

With DIY real estate photography, the theory is usually to take your cellphone/tablet and take photos in the property all on your own. Things are carried out by you and nothing needs to be outsourced to your specialized photographer.


1) Fast Results

The advantage of a DIY approach is having the capability to take out your cell phone and merely begin taking photos. You don’t have to create an appointment, hold out, or hope the specialist knows what you wish. Things are up to you and that can help wrap things up quickly.

2) Full Control

You will be able to maneuver and take several photos as you would like because it’s fully customized. Many people enjoy the concept of getting around rather than needing to tell somebody else how to proceed. If that’s something you enjoy, DIY property photography might cross the mind at some time or any other.

3) No Additional Costs

This is probably the main reasons listed by people who pursue DIY photo shoots. It ends up having related to the funding that’s with their possession. They may not have the amount of money to purchase an experienced and this can lead to a substandard DIY option.


1) No Sense of Direction

Regardless how a lot of time is taken, the average person will not likely understand the theory behind good photography. It’s not as simple as going for a few photos and calling it per day! This can be a major misconception and it is the key reason why people wind up disappointed. There’s a good reason professionals produce great photos without putting things off.

2) Lacks Quality

The standard isn’t gonna be there and therefore often has to do with your smartphone’s camera. It is far from going to endure in front of a professional-grade camera with multiple lenses. The quality will only disappoint and perform minimum.

Final Thoughts

Unless you’re a skilled real estate property photographer, it’s best to go with a certified company. They already have numerous years of meaningful experience, know very well what needs to be done and value the idea of angles in creating the ideal variety of photos. A DIY session is merely not gonna do justice on the property! It is going to often come out blurry, unprofessional, and then make the house seem ungainly. As an alternative to letting this happen, it’s best to usher in a highly-reviewed professional property photography service as quickly as possible!
