Where is Temecula? All you need to know about the infamous beef of Temecula

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Russell Westbrook, Kobe Bryant and Tim Duncan almost caused a fight between two NBA fans who took their bickering to a new level in Temecula. The city is located in Riverside County, California, about 87 miles away from the LA Lakers court, then called Staples Center.

Like most arguments, the squabble between @SnottieDrippen and @MyTweetsRealAF started as an innocent difference in opinion. The latter originally retweeted a post by someone calling 2014 Westbrook the best shooting guard in the NBA.

The RT got a comment from SnottieDrippen about the idea being “pretty stupid.” He couldn't do agree with that with Kobe Bryant still around.

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Somewhere in @MyTweetsRealAF’s timeline, he also had another RT that @SnottieDrippen didn’t agree on as well. The retweet was about the “San Antonio Spurs being better without a washed-up Tim Duncan.”

The Duncan RT, according to MyTweetsRealAF, was a sarcastic shot at critics who said the Lakers were better off without Kobe Bryant. SnottieDrippen ripped this reply with another scathing remark:

“Idiot, ‘sarcasm’ doesn’t work when comparing a player who’s hurting his team shooting 38% vs a 16 [points]-11 [rebounds] guy on a winner.”

When the argument between the two happened in 2014, Tim Duncan and Kobe Bryant were already in the twilight of their respective careers. The Spurs were the defending champs during this time with TD averaging 13.9 points and 9.1 rebounds. He also hit 51.2% of his field goal attempts.

Kobe Bryant, on the other hand, was just fresh off a devastating Achilles heel injury during the 2013-14 season when he played only 6 games. The following season, he played 35 games and averaged 22.3 points but on 37.3% shooting. The LA Lakers were also one of the worst teams in the NBA in Bryant’s last three seasons.

Russell Westbrook, during the 2014-15 season, won his first scoring title while shooting 42.6% from the field. It was Westbrook's first season that catapulted him to a superstar level player. Two years later, he led the league again in scoring, averaged a triple-double and won his first and only MVP.

The fight that never happened in Temecula because of Kobe Bryant, Russell Westbrook and Tim Duncan

Without the knowledge of Russell Westbrook, Kobe Bryant and Tim Duncan, a fight almost broke out on their behalf.

Following SnottieDrippen’s nasty remarks about MyTweetsRealAF retweets, things promptly got even more heated. SB Nation, which interviewed the former, narrated how the latter him a “f******’ and a ‘b**ch.’ Seeing San Diego in SnottieDrippen’s account, MyTweetsRealAF challenged him to a fight in Temecula.

Why Temecula was the specific location chosen remains a mystery. SnottieDrippen, who was in Arizona when the challenge was issued, trolled his Twitter adversary.

MyTweetsRealAF apparently arrived in Temecula raring for a fight that wasn’t even close to happening. The adversaries were simply too far apart to use their fists to settle their differences in opinion.

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