Mike Parrow On Being an Openly Gay Athlete, PAC Challenges Dragon Kid

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Mike Parrow Tweets About Being an Openly Gay Athlete

After seeing a spout of homophobic tweets on his feed, independent wrestler Mike Parrow tweeted about being an openly gay athlete on his Twitter feed.

As wrestlers, we all fight for something I fight for #equality

I’m #proud to be a openly #Gay athlete I’m posting this because of all the homophobic tweets I’ve seen the past couple days in sports.I did not choose to be #Gay however I did choose to live my life proud of who I am. As wrestlers we all fight for something I fight for #equality pic.twitter.com/To9u9EPOpb

— Parrow (@Parrow_) April 12, 2019

Several other wrestlers tweeted back in support of the statement, including Lance Storm. The tweet has garnered over 1500 retweets at the time of writing.

Only thing that ever mattered to me was if you can work. You be you, I’ll be me, and if you can work we’re good. ?

— Lance Storm (@LanceStorm) April 13, 2019

PAC Challenges Dragon Kid

In a tweet challenge, the former Neville has challenged Dragon Kid to a match at Dragon Gate’s Dead Or Alive event.

So GIVE HIM TO ME, or maybe I won’t come back to Japan… and YOU’LL NEVER SEE YOUR CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN.

FAO @dragongate_pro

I have chosen my opponent for DEAD OR ALIVE, May 6th in Nagoya. An easy match, with someone I can abuse…

Dragon Kid.

So GIVE HIM TO ME, or maybe I won’t come back to Japan… and YOU’LL NEVER SEE YOUR CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN.

— BASTARD (@BASTARDPAC) April 13, 2019

PAC is the current Open the Dream Gate champion, beating Masato Yoshino back in December.
