Mary-Brian Clarke Dies two months After Boyfriends Death, Jeremy Ruehlemanns Girlfriend

May 2024 · 1 minute read

According to People magazine, Mary-Brian Clarke, a public relations worker in the fashion business and the late model Jeremy Ruehlemann’s girlfriend, passed away on March 21 just two months after her boyfriend’s tragic death.

In an obituary, Clarke’s family described her as “arriving at the gates of heaven in one of many pairs of unique sunglasses, more rings than her fingers could hold, and either a furry jacket or hat and a one-of-a-kind pair of trendy sneakers, along with that magnificent smile that was a magnet for all.”

They described her as “a light to everyone who knew her,” remembering her for “her contagious laugh, her witty sense of humor, and her special ability to connect with others.” Recently, Clarke posted on Instagram to express her grief over Ruehlemann’s passing.

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