Behind Your Touch Finale: The Mystery Behind The Real Killer

May 2024 · 9 minute read

In the most recent episodes of Netflix’s South Korean criminal comedy ‘Behind Your Touch,’ Detective Moon Jang-yeol and Psychometric veteran Bong Ye-bun’s eccentric investigation comes to a close. The deaths of Seon-woo and Jang-yeol place Ye-bun and Jang-yeol in a bleak situation after a lengthy and arduous search for the notorious serial murderer loose in the small town of Mujin. In addition, Detective Kang’s takeover of the investigation required Jang-yeol to operate from the periphery and snoop with his team. Nevertheless, despite Jang-yeol’s restriction and Ye-bun’s sorrow, the pair receives innovative assistance from an unexpected source.

Here is everything you need to know about ‘Behind Your Touch’s’ conclusion if you’re intrigued as to where this weeks-long investigation ultimately leads our protagonists and what it reveals about the murderer. SPOILERS FOLLOW!

Behind Your Touch Episode 15 Recap

Following the brutal murder of Seon-woo at the hands of the murderer, Ye-bun falls into a depressive state. Since Seon-woo sacrificed his life to save Ye-bun, the veterinarian cannot help but condemn herself while also placing some of the blame on Jang-yeol. Meanwhile, Jang-yeol’s squad, Captain Won, and the others frantically search Seon-woo’s cabin for clues, despite the fact that they are no longer permitted to intervene in the case.

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Inside the cabin of Seon-woo, Won discovers the Shaman bloodied and unconscious. After regaining consciousness, the Shaman, who informs the others that he was previously struck out, learns of Seon-woo’s passing and becomes inconsolable. Therefore, when the time comes, he assumes responsibility for holding a funeral ceremony for his tenant Seon-woo, who has no family. Due to Ye-bun’s presence at the crime site, Detective Kang, whose Crimes Division is in charge of the serial killer case, interrogates her.

Kang observes that Ye-bun has been inexplicably embroiled in this case from the beginning and demands explanations. Jang-yeol interrupts Kang’s interrogation in an effort to assist Ye-bun. The interaction concludes with the former engaging in physical conflict with Kang and receiving a suspension from the Police Chief. When Jang-yeol, despite his suspension, attempts to continue the investigation, Captain Won, Detectives Na, and Bae step in to assist him. Won returns Jang-yeol’s badge, and Na lends him her unfaithful husband’s car because the Chief has returned his own police-issued vehicle.

As Jang investigates the case, he attempts to discover the truth behind the black screens in the killer’s memories, which have enabled them to remain undetected for so long. Eventually, the detective receives the answer through Na’s husband’s vehicle. Since the car’s owner is frequently unfaithful, the windows are extensively tinted. Even though the windows are extremely dark and almost appear black, it is still possible to see through them.

Thus, Jang-yeol concludes that whoever committed the homicides must have been wearing dark sunglasses. However, when he hurries to explain this to Ye-bun, she becomes enraged and refuses to participate in his investigation. After losing so many loved ones, Ye-bun has developed a pessimistic outlook that compels her to leave crime-solving to the professionals. However, she is unable to stay out of the investigation for long, as the killer’s identity becomes glaringly obvious.

Behind Your Touch Finale Ending: Who Is The Killer?

Jang-yeol and Ye-bun have been attempting to unravel the enigma behind the black screens ever since they realised that the killer has been concealing their identities from Ye-bun by inserting black screens into their memories. After Gwang-sik passed away, the two realised that he must have deciphered the code because that was the final thing the farmer said. Jang-yeol proposes that the killer is carrying out the murders while blindfolded, but this theory is swiftly disproven. So, the enigma continues to elude them.

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Consequently, the realisation that the murderer must be donning dark sunglasses is a pivotal moment in the investigation. Moments later, however, when Ye-bun discovers the killer’s identity, the situation is not as pleasant as she had anticipated. Ye-bun realises that Jong-bae is the murderer when she visits the Shaman to deliver a gift for Seon-woo’s funeral and observes Jong-bae wearing his trademark General McArthur glasses.

As a result, she rushes to touch the Shaman and uses her abilities on him to corroborate the assertion. Ye-bun discovers through his memories the sinister truth about Shaman Park Jong-bae, who has been murdering people since the night of the meteor shower. Jong-bae, like Ye-bun and Gwang-sik, gained psychometric abilities after the meteor shower, allowing him to access people’s memories through eye contact.

Seon-woo arrived at the same conclusion and attempted to reveal it to Ye-bun before his death. Even though Ye-bun uncovers his true nature, the Shaman allows the veterinarian to live because he feels responsible for Dr. Jung’s death. Ye-bun finds it difficult to share the information with Jang-yeol due to his effortless ability to access people’s memories. In addition, after viewing the memory of Jong-bae’s execution of Seon-woo, Ye-bun realises that Seon-woo has left her a clue.

Eventually, Ye-bun reveals the information to Jang-yeol via a note, and he deduces the passcode to Seon-woo’s phone, which contains an audio recording of the Shaman confessing to the crimes just before killing Seon-woo. After his arrest, the Shaman insists on speaking with Jang-yeol and reveals the entire reality to him. The Shaman travelled to Australia to see his wife Hong Mi-yeon, from whom he had been separated for some time. Upon realising she was seeing another person through his powers, he murdered her.

After developing a taste for murder, the Shaman began to drop deceased bodies in Mujin one by one. Even worse, Jong-bae has a backup plan in place in the event that Jang-yeol and Ye-bun capture him: the kidnapping of Ok-hui. Therefore, Jong-bae demands that Jang-yeol and Ye-bun release him in order to save Ye-bun’s closest friend.

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Do Ye-bun And Jang-yeol Catch The Shaman?

Using Ok-hui’s kidnapping as leverage, the Shaman escapes police custody by having Ye-bun hold Jang-yeol captive while he drives them away. With everything proceeding according to plan, the Shaman orders the couple to transport him to Seoul. However, instead of revealing the location of Ok-hui as promised, Jong-bae ambushes Jang-yeol and Ye-bun with the assistance of Baek Soon-gil. Soon-gil, a longstanding adversary of Jang-yeol who was instrumental in the detective’s transfer to Mujin from Seoul, beats Ye-bun and ties him up in a shed.

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Jong-bae discovers a passage to China through Soon-gil and exchanges information about Ye-bun’s psychic abilities for the gangster’s assistance. Soon-gil, who cares only about earning money, decides to accept the offer. Despite this, Jang-yeol and Ye-bun are able to escape Soon-gil’s grasp following a battle in which the Detective and the vet fight off the bad guys in tandem. Soon-gil’s threat has been mitigated and Ok-hui has been rescued with the aid of their allies in Mujin, so the pair sets a trap for Jong-bae by having Soon-gil’s ferryman notify them the next day when the Shaman boards his ship.

Nevertheless, Jong-bae discovers their scheme and goes into concealment, causing them to engage in a game of cat-and-mouse. Jong-bae holds a dagger to Ye-bun’s throat as he approaches the sea, where a ship is waiting for him. The shaman attempts to flee with Ye-bun as his captive, but his attempts are foiled by Jang-yeol’s quick reflexes. In the end, Jang-yeol and Ye-bun capture the murderer Jong-bae.

However, when Jong-bae attempts to see things in a more positive light, asserting he can use his powers to kill in prison as well, Ye-bun pokes out his eyes and promises to do so every week. Thus, the thrilling serial murderer case concludes on a humorous note.

Do Ye-bun And Jang-yeol End Up Together?

While the majority of the narrative centred on Ye-bun and Jang-yeol’s crime-fighting, there was always a subplot about their slow-moving romance. The duo begin their friendship on the wrong foot, which sets the tone for their antagonistic relationship. In addition, Ye-bun spends a great deal of time yearning for Seon-woo, the dreamy convenience store employee.

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As the veterinarian grows closer to Seon-woo, Jang-yeol’s true sentiments about Ye-bun eventually become apparent. Jang-yeol suspected Seon-woo of being the murderer, perceiving him as a menace. Therefore, when he sees Ye-bun spending time with her, his sentiments intensify because he feels both jealousy and protection.

However, the conclusion of the serial murderer investigation temporarily halts their relationship. Since Jang-yeol has made his significant arrest, he is no longer required to reside in Mujin and can return to his exciting existence as a police officer in Seoul. As such, a few days after Jong-bae’s capture, Jang-yeol prepares to board a bus to Seoul. Ye-bun is nowhere to be found when Captain Won and Detective Bae arrive at the station to see him off.

When Ye-bun finally arrives at the station, all vehicles have already departed. However, Jang-yeol remained behind, opting not to depart without a formal farewell. At the train station, they discuss their respective futures. Ye-bun desires to expand her clinic by opening a second location. Thus, Jang-yeol, who must return to Korea, requests that she visit him sometime.

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Eight months later, Ye-bun is well-known in the animal industry for her magical aptitude with animals. Ye-bun has expanded her business and acquired popularity with Ok-hui’s aid. During her stay in Seoul for a talk show, Ye-bun resolves to pay Jang-yeol a visit. The duo share a cup of coffee, but Jang-yeol’s work constantly interrupts their conversation.

As a consequence, Ye-bun offers to assist him so that he has more free time. In response, the detective declines her offer, explaining that he does not wish for them to work together again, as that would mean they would only meet when he needs her for a case. Jang-yeol does not want Ye-bun to feel exploited and is hesitant to place her in danger once more.

Jang-yeol assigns Ye-bun to an undercover mission to obtain information from a drug distributor inside a female correctional facility, despite Ye-bun’s insistence. The case turns out to be much more complicated than Ye-bun anticipated, but she is able to obtain the information after a prison soccer game. However, when the same situation places her in danger, Jang-yeol appears to save her.

Jang-yeol admits he was concerned for Ye-bun’s welfare and has been monitoring her throughout the mission. Now that Ye-bun has assisted him with his case, the couple decides jokingly to spend more time together and call it an official date. Before that can occur, however, the duo must evade the swarm of prisoners chasing them across the prison grounds. The story of Ye-bun and Jang-yeol concludes as chaotically as it began, but at least the crime-fighting duo has finally admitted their emotions.

Ayushi S
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